Friday, August 25, 2023

यः पठति लिखति पश्यति परिपृच्छति पण्डितान्

यः पठति लिखति पश्यति परिपृच्छति पण्डितान्।
तस्य दिवाकरकिरर्णैः नलिनीदलम् इव विस्तारिता बुद्धिः॥
yaḥ paṭhati likhati paśyati paripṛcchati paṇḍitān|
tasya divākarakiraṇaiḥ nalinīdalam iva vistāritā buddhiḥ||
Another nugget of wisdom.. and grace
One who persists with reading, and writing, one who observes things around him with due diligence, one who never hesitates to ask learned people questions with due respect
his intellect just expands just like the petal of the lotus flower when they get exposed to the rays of the Sun..
It would look as if it is a homily.. But in a small couplet a huge power pack of wisdom is loaded.. That is the beauty of Sanskrit and Indian wisdom..
Of course, we must set our priorities rightly..
Reading can be just mugging up anything.. Even sensational and pornographic material can be read by many.. They will cause only doom..except for those who produce such trash commercially. The process of reading involves the process of the right material for reading too..
writing too can be mechanical or intelligent..
Seeing... The good Lord has given us two eyes enabling us to see almost anything around us.. beautiful or ugly, bright or dark, pleasant or disgusting.. So seeing is not merely focussing our eyes on something and getting images formed on our retina..One who can readily segregate what he sees into relevant, irrelevant and evil.. really sees.
And asking questions.. first the questions should come from our thirst for knowledge.. and the questions should be directed towards the proper target.. the really learned and noble teacher.. We can harm ourselves through selection of bad quetions and adoption of the wrong attitude.. and if we get the answers from the wrong person, or in the wrong way.. There again diligence is the watchword.
And speaking, seeing, hearing.. all these actually involve all our sense organs and functional organs and the mind-spirit core inside us too..
k v ananthanarayanan.

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