Sunday, August 20, 2023

अरसिकेषु कवित्वनिवेदनं

इतर तापशतानि यदृच्छया वितर तानि सहे चतुरानन।
अरसिकेषु कवित्वनिवेदनं शिरसि मा लिख मा लिख मा लिख॥
itara tāpaśatāni yadṛcchayā vitara tāni sahe caturānana|
arasikeṣu kavitvanivedanaṁ śirasi mā likha mā likha mā likha||
ഇതര താപശതാനി യദൃച്ഛയാ വിതര താനി സഹേ ചതുരാനന
അരസികേഷു കവിത്വനിവേദനം ശിരസി മാ ലിഖ മാ ലിഖ മാ ലിഖ
Oh Lord of Fate, Brahma! you prescribe any suffering for me according to your wishes. I have no complaints. I shall put up with them without any grumble.
But please spare me from the ordeal of discussing great works of art and literature in the company of disinterested persons..( Please do not write a decree to that effect on my head)
It is believed that Brahmadeva or Vidhi maintains the debits and credits of our deeds and as and when we die and are born again, the accounts are recorded in our scalps ( I do not know whether some people are created with bald pate so that the accounts can be read easily.)
The accounts of Fate are strict and accurate. So the poet is ready to accept the accounts without any appeals or requests for condonation..
But all said and done, being forced to discuss great poetry and literature with a moron is worse than death itself for a person who loves the Muses..Hence the prayer..

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