Sunday, August 06, 2023

comfort after hard toil

यदेवोपनतं दुःखात् सुखं तद्रसवत्तरम्।
निर्वाणाय तरुच्छाया तप्तस्य हि विशेषतः॥
yadevopanataṁ duḥkhāt sukhaṁ tadrasavattaram|
nirvāṇāya tarucchāyā taptasya hi viśeṣataḥ||
The happiness arising to one after a period of unhappiness or grief is enjoyable all the more..
The comfort verging on ecstacy on reaching the shade of a tree can best be experienced by one who has been walking on open scorching sunlight for some time..
This is a pointer to the fact that even the effects of comforts and welfare on human mind becomes rather neutral when there is no challenge or threat to such a state of affluence..
It is not that we should be inviting misery just to enjoy nice things..
But it is best if we can take setbacks with equanimity.. learn lessons and enjoy when the roadblocks get cleared.
k v ananthanarayanan

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