Saturday, August 05, 2023


पापान्निवारयति योजयते हिताय
गुह्यं निगूहति गुणान् प्रकटिकरोति।
आपद्गतं च न जहाति ददाति काले
सन्मित्रलक्षाणमिदं प्रवदन्ति सन्तः॥
भर्तृहरेः नीतिशतके॥६९
pāpānnivārayati yojayate hitāya
guhyaṁ nigūhati guṇān prakaṭikaroti|
āpadgataṁ ca na jahāti dadāti kāle
sanmitralakṣāṇamidaṁ pravadanti santaḥ||
bhartṛhareḥ nītiśatake||69
This is how the great philosopher poet Bhartruhari described a friend..
This is the sign of a good and useful friend, say the learned people..
The friend takes care to wean us away from sins, gently or even forcibly, if the situation arises.
The friend always tries to channelize our course of life towards the best and the most beneficial destinations.
The friend takes extra care to keep facts and reports about our certain situations in life, which are just best to be undiscussed and unpublished, as secrets for ever.
The friend is alway first in the line to highlight our good virtues in whatever way possible.
The friend would never leave us to our own fate and suffering when a real danger confronts us. He would never walk away leaving us in the lurch.
The friend knows by instinct and sixth sense when we are lacking in something, and he never fails to provide us with our essential needs in time..
Reading the slokam above, one would wonder whether there is any difference between God, Parents and the Friends..
But then God is an equal property to be shared by many.
Parents too are to be shared..
But a friend for me can be my own.. my own friend.!
Yes, such friends were there for me, are there for me..Sure, they will be there for me ever.
Some might not have fulfilled my dreams.. but then that is not their fault..
They tried their best.. but I am like an elephant stucl in a quagmire..
They cannot lift me..

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