Friday, August 04, 2023

to sleep or not to sleep?

हयानामिव जात्यानाम् अर्धरात्रार्धशायिनाम्।
न हि विद्यार्थिनां निन्द्रा चिरं नेत्रेषु तिष्ठति ॥
सुभाषितशतके --२-४
hayānāmiva jātyānām ardharātrārdhaśāyinām|
na hi vidyārthināṁ nindrā ciraṁ netreṣu tiṣṭati||
subhāṣitaśatake --2-4
a traditional wise saying which the modern physician or psychologist might not endorse..
But still enough to ponder over..
Just like for pedigree horses who would just sleep only during half of the later half of the night, for the earnest students too sleep does not remain in their eyes for long periods..
( And remember.. every person worth his salt.. is an eternal student.. at least many believe so..)
To choose between sleep .. which in this instance seems to espouse a comfortable state of mind and body
to choose hard work, involving mind or body or both,,
is indeed very difficult..
"The prey does not voluntary enter the mouth of a sleeping lion.." was how Pancatantram put it..
Of course, the lifestyle is ultimately our choice..
We can have our own timeslots for every activity, including work and sleep..
It is also a fact that even if we slave drive our heads, hearts and body too all through our lifetime, still we may not achieve the expected results..
But if we do not try at all, and just sleep our time away, then there can be no results..
To sleep or not to sleep..?
k v ananthanarayanan

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