Friday, September 08, 2023

पञ्चैतानि शनैः शनैः

शनैः पन्था शनैः कन्था शनैः पर्वतमस्तके।
शनैर्विद्या शनैर्वित्तं पञ्चैतानि शनैः शनैः॥
नित्य नीति॥
śanaiḥ panthā śanaiḥ kanthā śanaiḥ parvatamastake|
śanairvidyā śanairvittaṁ pañcaitāni śanaiḥ śanaiḥ||
nitya nīti||
Life has a rhythm.. Nature too has a way of slow and steady change or transformation.. the change is so subtle that we could see the change taking place but could never spot the moment when the change actually occurred.. That is the beauty.
In our personal lives too things have to happen slowly and steadily.. And normally they happen at their own sweet pace.. But most of us have a tendency to try to speed up some pleasant matters and slow down some things which are just ordinary or not so pleasant but are obligatory..
Here in the above slokam, five situations or activities in life that can be proceeded only at a slow pace are enumerated..
1. One should proceed with a journey slowly.
2. The weaving of clothes should be slow
3 Climbing of mountain peaks.. demands slow and meticulous care
4, Acquiring of knowledge.. that has to be a step by step process ..
5. Earning of wealth.. sudden riches are sureshot invitation for danger..
We are witnessing the dangers of rash driving, deaths, accidents, and so on
If clothes are woven too fast, the weft and the warp get entangled.. and the beauty and utility of the cloth is lost.. Indians were famous in that craft.. the Muslins of Dacca before the British ruined them is an example..
We can negotialte mountains only very slowly.. A wrong step ahead can mean fall into abysses and sure death
A student has to proceed from play school or kindergarten to a post doctoral degree.. only through a penance spread through years.. Is there any other way?
And sudden affluence is an invitation to tax raids.. and many other risks too..
k v ananthanarayanan

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