Sunday, September 03, 2023

तिलेषु तैलम् दधिनीव सर्पिरापः स्रोतस्स्वरणीषु चाग्निः

तिलेषु तैलम् दधिनीव सर्पिरापः स्रोतस्स्वरणीषु चाग्निः।
एवमात्माऽत्मनि गृह्यतेऽसौ सत्येनैनम् तपसा योऽनुपश्यति॥
सर्वव्यापिनमात्मानम् क्षीरम् सर्पिरिवार्पितम्।
आत्मविद्यातपोमूलम् तद्ब्रह्मोपनिषत् परम्॥
श्वेतश्वतरोपनिषद् १-१५ १६
tileṣu tailam dadhianīva sarpirāpaḥ srotassvaraṇīṣu cāgniḥ|
evamātmā'atmani gṛhyate'sau satyenainam tapasā yo'nupaśyati||
sarvavyāpinamātmānam kṣīram sarpirivārpitam |
ātmavidyātapomūlam tadbrahmopaniṣat param||
śvetaśvataropaniṣad 1-15 16
a set of mantras from Svetsvataropanishat.. one of the ten promnent upanishats..
Oil is stored in abundance in sesame seeds.
Butter is present aplenty in curd..
Water is stored manifest in torrents in undeground springs..
And fire is dormant in dry logs of Arani wood
Like this the Supreme soul (aatmaa the paramaatma ) is ever present in each individual as aatmaa the jeevaatma...
A seeker who ponders over the Supreme with sincere penance, treading the path of truth and righteousness is sure to realize
that Supreme Brahmam praised by Upanishats, (the scriptures)
that Supreme Brahman who is present concealed everywhere like the butter in the milk,
that Supreme Brahman who is to be perceived by deep knowledge coming through introspection and meditation..
He is the Supreme, so say the Upanishat..
The universal truth that the Supreme can be realized through concerted hard attempts is also a fact underlined here..
The Supreme being is present dormant and concealed in everything.
If we have to have even a little knowledge of Him we have to be disciplined,
and persevering..
The oil in the sesame seed gets extracted through heavy pounding. The butter comes out after a lot of churning of the curd.
Fire ( in the form of Potential energy)contained in logs, generates sparks and ignites the logs when two pieces of such logs are rubbed against each other ( generating kinetic energy.)
Same way, we need not seek the Supreme Being anywhere else.. Just dedicated and concentrated meditation and introspection, and a lifestyle based or truth and dharma can reveal to us the Supreme present in us..

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