Wednesday, September 06, 2023

distinctive feature of culture and refinedment..

स्वस्थानपरिज्ञानं परेङ्गितग्रहणमपि सरसता सत्त्वम्।
स्वार्थनियमनं प्राहुः संस्कृतिरिति सत्समन्वयात्मकदृष्टिम्॥
नित्यनीति २७७
svasthānaparijñānaṁ pareṅgitagrahaṇamapi sarasatā sattvam|
svārthaniyamanaṁ prāhuḥ saṁskṛtiriti satsamanvayātmakadṛṣṭim||
nityanīti 277
The following qualities are considered to be the distinctive features of culture and refinedment..
1. The capacity to realize ones own place in life.. without trying either to exaggerate or to trivialize.
2..The capacity to understand with accuracy what is going on in the minds of other people and to adjust accordingingly.
3. Capacity to maintain pleasant attitude even under upsetting conditions.
4.. Capacity to remain steady and steadfact ever
5. Capacity to control ones own selfishness.
6 Harmonious attitude which would enable one to evaluate situations on merits on the basis of the situation on hand and not on the basis of the persons involved.
From the text Nityaneeti
Of course, if we cover the entire gamut of the above six requirements, we would have become too good and great..
k v ananthanarayanan

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