Monday, November 13, 2023

यत् करोषि यत् अश्नासि यत् जुहोषि ददासि यत्

For a believer, it is God,
who has created,
who is maintaining,
who will demolish and reconstuct everything according to His plans applying his infinite wisdom and knowledge
We are all very minuscule creatures or just tiny parts in the huge system designed by Divine will.
We can just function only according to His plans, His guidance,
and under his protection..
But then each one of us feel so arrogant that we are running the entire universe
Like a small house lizard sitting in the corner of a ceiling and announcing that the ceiling will collapse unless he was not holding it in place..
Even for a non believer, he has to be realistic in his thoughts that some chance, some entity beyond easy comprehension, is behind all that transpires in this world and that he has little control over things that happens..
The only difference is that for the believer, he has in his possession a peg or handle where he can fasten or tag his own worries and heave some sigh of relieve..a cozy lap to sleep or cry his heart out..
That is what the blessed lord Krishna tells in Gita..
यत् करोषि यत् अश्नासि यत् जुहोषि ददासि यत् I.
यत् तपस्यसि कौन्तेय तत् कुरुष्व मद् अर्पणम् I गीता ९ -२७
yat karoshi yat ashnaasi yat juhoshi dadaasi yat
yat tapasyasi kaunteya tat kurushva madarpanam Bhgavat gita Chapter 9 verse 27
The blessed Lord and Master Krishna tells Arjuna
Oh Son of Kunti.. Whatever you do, whatever you eat or consume, whatever you offer as oblation to fire, whatever you give as gift, whatever you do as penance or austerities, do dedicate all that unto me..
Yes, once we dedicate everything to the one who actually does everything and give an impression that we the silly creations of His are doing things, is a very realistic proposition.
Krishna does everything..
We in our delusion think that we are the doers and masters..
That delusion is removed when we just dedicated everything to Krishna
Of course, this world is His, the action and inaction are all HIs..
Who are we to dedicate.. to Him what is His alone..
Still He has given us such a choice in Gita
Karoma yadyat sakalm parasmai Naarayanaayeti Samarpayaami..
All that I do, I just offer in utter surrended at the lotus feet of Narayana.

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