Wednesday, November 29, 2023

सुब्रह्मण्य पंच रत्न स्तोत्रम्

Kumara Shasthti..

The day when Lord Subrahmania who had assumed the form of a Serpant as a matter of penance, re manifested as a youthful attractive Lad and blessed the whole universe
The legend of his reappearance is celbrated in the Holy Subramania Temple at Kukke in the banks of Kumara Dhara in Karnataka
A hymn in praise of the Lord
सुब्रह्मण्य पंच रत्न स्तोत्रम्
षडाननं चंदनलेपितांगं महोरसं दिव्यमयूरवाहनम् ।
रुद्रस्यसूनुं सुरलोकनाथं ब्रह्मण्यदेवं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ 1 ॥
जाज्वल्यमानं सुरवृंदवंद्यं कुमार धारातट मंदिरस्थम् ।
कंदर्परूपं कमनीयगात्रं ब्रह्मण्यदेवं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ 2 ॥
द्विषड्भुजं द्वादशदिव्यनेत्रं त्रयीतनुं शूलमसी दधानम् ।
शेषावतारं कमनीयरूपं ब्रह्मण्यदेवं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ 3 ॥
सुरारिघोराहवशोभमानं सुरोत्तमं शक्तिधरं कुमारम् ।
सुधारशक्त्यायुध शोभिहस्तं ब्रह्मण्यदेवं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ 4 ॥
इष्टार्थसिद्धिप्रदमीशपुत्रं इष्टान्नदं भूसुरकामधेनुम् ।
गंगोद्भवं सर्वजनानुकूलं ब्रह्मण्यदेवं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ 5 ॥
यः श्लोकपंचमिदं पठतीह भक्त्या
ब्रह्मण्यदेव विनिवेशित मानसः सन् ।
प्राप्नोति भोगमखिलं भुवि यद्यदिष्टम्
अंते स गच्छति मुदा गुहसाम्यमेव ॥
subrahmaṇya paṃca ratna stotram
ṣaḍānanaṃ caṃdanalepitāṃgaṃ mahorasaṃ divyamayūravāhanam ।
rudrasyasūnuṃ suralokanāthaṃ brahmaṇyadevaṃ śaraṇaṃ prapadye ॥ 1 ॥
jājvalyamānaṃ suravṛṃdavaṃdyaṃ kumāra dhārātaṭa maṃdirastham ।
kaṃdarparūpaṃ kamanīyagātraṃ brahmaṇyadevaṃ śaraṇaṃ prapadye ॥ 2 ॥
dviṣaḍbhujaṃ dvādaśadivyanetraṃ trayītanuṃ śūlamasī dadhānam ।
śeṣāvatāraṃ kamanīyarūpaṃ brahmaṇyadevaṃ śaraṇaṃ prapadye ॥ 3 ॥
surārighorāhavaśobhamānaṃ surottamaṃ śaktidharaṃ kumāram ।
sudhāraśaktyāyudha śobhihastaṃ brahmaṇyadevaṃ śaraṇaṃ prapadye ॥ 4 ॥
iṣṭārthasiddhipradamīśaputraṃ iṣṭānnadaṃ bhūsurakāmadhenum ।
gaṃgodbhavaṃ sarvajanānukūlaṃ brahmaṇyadevaṃ śaraṇaṃ prapadye ॥ 5 ॥
yaḥ ślokapaṃcamidaṃ paṭhatīha bhaktyā
brahmaṇyadeva viniveśita mānasaḥ san ।
prāpnoti bhogamakhilaṃ bhuvi yadyadiṣṭam
aṃte sa gacchati mudā guhasāmyameva ॥
സുബ്രഹ്മണ്യ പഞ്ച രത്ന സ്തോത്രം
ഷഡാനനം ചന്ദനലേപിതാംഗം മഹോരസം ദിവ്യമയൂരവാഹനം ।
രുദ്രസ്യസൂനും സുരലോകനാഥം ബ്രഹ്മണ്യദേവം ശരണം പ്രപദ്യേ ॥ ൧ ॥
ജാജ്വല്യമാനം സുരവൃന്ദവന്ദ്യം കുമാര ധാരാതട മന്ദിരസ്ഥം ।
കന്ദര്‍പരൂപം കമനീയഗാത്രം ബ്രഹ്മണ്യദേവം ശരണം പ്രപദ്യേ ॥ ൨ ॥
ദ്വിഷഡ്ഭുജം ദ്വാദശദിവ്യനേത്രം ത്രയീതനും ശൂലമസീ ദധാനം ।
ശേഷാവതാരം കമനീയരൂപം ബ്രഹ്മണ്യദേവം ശരണം പ്രപദ്യേ ॥ ൩ ॥
സുരാരിഘോരാഹവശോഭമാനം സുരോത്തമം ശക്തിധരം കുമാരം ।
സുധാരശക്ത്യായുധ ശോഭിഹസ്തം ബ്രഹ്മണ്യദേവം ശരണം പ്രപദ്യേ ॥ ൪ ॥
ഇഷ്ടാര്‍ഥസിദ്ധിപ്രദമീശപുത്രം ഇഷ്ടാന്നദം ഭൂസുരകാമധേനും।
ഗംഗോദ്ഭവം സര്‍വജനാനുകൂലം ബ്രഹ്മണ്യദേവം ശരണം പ്രപദ്യേ ॥ ൫ ॥
യഃ ശ്ലോകപഞ്ചമിദം പഠതീഹ ഭക്ത്യാ
ബ്രഹ്മണ്യദേവ വിനിവേശിത മാനസഃ സന്‍ ।
പ്രാപ്നോതി ഭോഗമഖിലം ഭുവി യദ്യദിഷ്ടം
അന്തേ സ ഗച്ഛതി മുദാ ഗുഹസാമ്യമേവ ॥
1 I submit in utter submission to that master of Vedic way, Brahmanyadeva, the Subramania
He shines forth with six faces
His attractive body is smeared with divine sandal paste
His chest is very broad becoming of a great warrior
He rides atop the peacock of heavenly beuty
He is the darling son of Lord Rudra
He is the master of the world of Divine beings
2 I submit in utter submission to that master of Vedic way, Brahmanyadeva, the Subramania
He is dazzling forth in utter resplendence
He is ever worshipped and paid obeisance by the entire flock of gods
He is having his cozy abode in the banks of the River Kumara Dhara ( The abode of the Lord in Kukke Subramania.. where he manifested back as a young child after long penance undertaken for years in the shape of a Serpant )
He is having a supremely attractive form that would match the beauty of Kamadeva the Lord of Love
3 I submit in utter submission to that master of Vedic way, Brahmanyadeva, the Subramania
He is manifesting in a form having twelve arms and twelve divine eyes
His hallowed self is the combination of the three Vedas Rik, Yajus and Sama
He is holding a spear and a sword in his hands
He is the manifestation of the King of serpants, Sesha
His form is extremely attractive for all the devotees flocking around Him.
4 I submit in utter submission to that master of Vedic way, Brahmanyadeva, the Subramania
He is spearheding the side of gods in their fierce battle against the demons
He is best among the Gods
He is holding a Shakti.. a Vel or spear presented to Him by His own mother Devi Uma
He is holding in his hand another spear with tip shaped like the crescent moon
He is manifesting Himself as a robut and energetic Youth.
5. I submit in utter submission to that master of Vedic way, Brahmanyadeva, the Subramania
He is the supreme lord who would grant all the wishes of all who approach Him
He is the beloved son of Lord Shiva, the Master of all that is great and attainable in this universe
He is ever engaged is supplying food to all his beloved devotees.. engaged always in annadaanam
He is so pleased with the scholars of Vedas that he grants all their wishes as if He himself is the wish yielding Kamadhenu as far as such scholars are concerned.
He has his birth in the holiest of Rivers, Ganga
He is ever disposed pleasantly with all the common people
Whoever recites these five slokas with utter devotions
With their minds completely engrossed in the thoughts of that Lord Subramania
Would attain all the enjoyments that they yearned for in this earth
And finally on departure they would attain oneness with Lord Guha Himself.

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