Saturday, November 18, 2023

चिदेका षडास्या हृदि द्योतते मे

न जानामि शब्दं न जानामि चार्थम् न जानामि पद्यम् न जानामि गद्यम्
चिदेका षडास्या हृदि द्योतते मे मुखान्निःसरन्ते गिरश्चापि चित्रम्॥२॥
na jānāmi śabdaṁ na jānāmi cārtham
na jānāmi padyam na jānāmi gadyam
cidekā ṣaḍāsyā hṛdi dyotate me
mukhānniḥsarante giraścāpi citram||2||
(अहं ) शब्दं न जानामिI I do not know the science of words.
(अहं ) अर्थं च न जानामिI also, I do not know the meaning of words
(अहं ) पद्यम् न जानामिI I do not know (how to create) poetry
(अहं) गद्यम् न जानामिI I do not know (how to write) prose
एका षडास्या चिद् मे हृदि द्योततेI One brilliant Six faced object is shinig in my heart
अपि चित्रम्I (मम) मुखात गिरः निःसरन्ते I And wonderful, words are just flowing out of my mouth (lips)
Yes, we in India believe that sublime poetry originates from the Divine..
Here the great Adishanakara while embarking on penning a hymn on Lord Skanda, just echoes the same idea..
( this is the second stanza of Subrahmania Bhujangam)
He says..
" I do not know how to choose words and their meanings, I do not know how to compose poetry or prose... However the great divinity in the form of the Six headed Skanda is shining forth in my heart and even without my knowing words which form the hymn are just flowing out of my lips.".
Mind you, the person who made this statement is the incarnation of Lord Shankara, the jagat Guru,, and sarvajna..

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