Monday, November 13, 2023

musings 307

We are brought to this world just to move ahead under the guidance of someone who knows what we really want.
Our mother and the persons around us when we are born are our first gurus.
If the mother had neglected to take care of me when I was in her womb or if the mother the doctor and the kin had neglected me even for a few hours after I was born I could not have survived
But we are arrogant by nature.
We grow up and neglect those who made us what we are once we realize that we do not require their help any more.
To climb a steep wall we need a ladder but we kick off the ladder once we reach the heights.
We need a boat to cross a waterway but we care a damn about the boat once we have ferried across.
And our primary school teacher is the one who taught is our first alphabets and figures. Do we care for him ?
We cannot exist without the guidance of a guru but we use them and mostly throw them off.
The use and throw syndrome
God Guru and the supreme one are one and the same
Even printed books are gurus. Even chance advices from strangers actually come as messages from gurus
Sree gurubhyo namah .

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