Thursday, November 16, 2023

musings 162

philosophy is nice to read..
but we have to live this life,,,
with our body, limbs, mind etc...
discourses and readings in philosophy and thought of brahmam etc can be nice as intellectual exercises..
but we have to have house, electricity, food and drinks from morning coffee and breakfast onwards meals, dinner, supper,,....
and clothes to wear,
bed to sleep, parents,
siblings and mate and children, friends and relatives,
social contacts to love and find fulfillment..
Even the high sounding posts we make in facebook, the intellectual claims we profess, all usually burst out from us with a view to get acceptance and appreciation..
The simple physical, mundane existence is a reality..
And whatever we may claim, we are not very sure about the divine, about the punyam, papam , fate, theory of Karma and so on.. we talk loud because we really are very unsure..
I do not think there is anything wrong in thinking of God, and having intellectual debates about swamis, gurus, deities and so on.
. but we have to have our feet held firm to terra firma..
the real, real in the sense what we see or feel through our sense organs and our ordinary human mind...can never be lost sight of
Education, earning, profession, ageing, or even are all realities.. and they have all ordinary meanings which any human being, religious or irreligious, theist or atheist can all see, feel and enjoy, and suffer too..
I for one, keep my feet on the ground, as firm as possible and then alone go for higher thinking and so on.
And I think because I cannot help thinking, and convincing or trying to make another accept or reject my view is not at all of any importance to me.
Nor is it in my agenda..
Thoughts, when not burdened by any "isms" give one freedom in realistic terms...

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