Friday, November 17, 2023

musings 164

But right from the beginning of human thought...

(and God is or must be a product of human thought alone, and we have no evidence springing up beyond human thought,..)
certain amount of uncertainty was germane.. and hence there was no absolute truth at any epoch, be it in vedas or even earlier in Hinduism..
and this idea would apply to other religions too..
The definition of absolute.. was just an ideal which we could never reach, a perfection about which we can just speculate but never attain..
Standards of faith do change with growth, evolution of perception, development of languages, and so on..
We cannot say for sure whether it was dilution of faith..
Man was confronted with many challenges, and many challenges were beyond his capacity to face, even beyond his capacity to conceive.. So he created a god and attributed on it the capacity to do things which man cannot do, ..
Many prayers and hymns in Vedas, Upanishads Puranas, and texts in vernacular all reflect and reveal this fact..
Man knew that he was never anywhere near perfection in comparison with the God he himself has created but the smarter among men tried to project an image that they were nearer to God that the others..
This happens even in evolution of thoughts without a focal rallying point namely God
We have to realize that all the great concepts were brought forward by just concieved by their minds.
at least there is no evidence that any God came and created the rules..
Brahmam, Jeevatma, Paramatma, Advaitam, Maya, Prakriti, Purusha, Mahat, Avyaktha, Ahamkara .. everything sprung out of human thoughts.. From nowhere else..
Even if some mind might have broken the barriers and flown into eternity, no one has come back after that flight and reported about his experiences,
his Tryst with Immortality..
Of course human existence is too short-lived in comparison with the infinite expanse of time.. and perhaps some human may gain the capacity to travel to the place of the Immortal, and come back and report to others..
Till then we have to wait..
God is not imperfect, only because, we have conceived Him as perfect and free from all inadequacies.. Nothing more.

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