Friday, November 17, 2023

musings 165

For a Hindu, the concept that life is just a honeymoon period of happiness (created by God) is not right..
The basic foundation of Hindu religion is the theory of Karma.. We are sent to this world to expiated our bad karmas and get purified. if we do not add karma to our life during the present life too.. If we have atoned sufficiently for our past bad or evil Karmas, we may escape from the life cycle...
And if we try to make this life seem like a huge picnic with much flutter and fury, we have two disadvantages..
first, we lose our chance at least to a certain extent to atone for our sins..
Second, usually, since human mind is made like that, the pleasures we indulge in would seem pleasures only if we see some other person placed at a comparative disadvantage..Also finding even indirect or vicarious pleasure in such comparison( pleasure in seeing others placed at greater disadvantage that us) can only add to our accumulated capital of sins.
One thing about prayer is that it is essentially related to religious faith, and if a Hindu mixes Christian or other concepts to Hindu way of faith , the whole thing becomes so fuzzy and confused.. Each religion has its own way..
But I am sure about one fact.. No religion with sufficiently large following has ever explained with conviction this living world and a continuum of paradise or heaven...

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