Thursday, December 21, 2023

a rare moment Krishna smiles and is playing His flute .. seated in ones inside..

After all smile is also the result of some nice thought if the person is good and maybe not the result so nice thought if he is mischievous..

we can love smiles from all those who are thinking.. if the thoughts are not venomous

only very small children can smile even without thinking..
we can love them too..

Lunatics and drunk fellows too smile.even without thinking
It is left to one's good sense to like them or not..

And of course there is a smile.. that could be called a smile but really just opening the lips and showing the teeth.. with no feeling..
It is very easy to spot such synthetic smiles.. One can like those smiles too synthetically alone ..

And buffoons, fools, jokers... they are employed or appoint themselves to make one smile or even laugh aloud loud.. We can be thankful to them too..

(Some professionals like Salesmen, politicians, conmen, and some others whom I need not mention too smile at you.. often to trap you and they will make you shed tears later..)

But I really wonder whether one can smile or show smile when at a rare moment Krishna smiles and is playing His flute .. seated in ones inside..
Maybe there is a smile there too.. but not the smile of the lips which all can see..

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