Monday, December 11, 2023

अविचार्य न वक्तव्यं वक्तव्यं सुविचारितम्

Sir it is a general statement on the basis of life long experience.
Usually when we present the most intricate issues with all possible lucidity what we get in return is just passiveness ..or even negative vibes.
And even the most ignorant fellow would interject with a comment to the effect that he knew all that and more already..
Avichaarya me vakthavyam
vakthavyam suvichaaritam
kincha tatraiva vakthavyam
yatra uktam saphalam bhavet...
अविचार्य न वक्तव्यं वक्तव्यं सुविचारितम्।
किं च तत्त्रैव वक्तव्यं यत्रोक्तं सफलं भवेत्। ।
one should never talk without proper contemplation..
one should express only well thought opinions.
.And more important one should talk only in a forum where his talk will have some positive impact..
Most of web posts fail on all the three counts
and even the best views fail on the third count.

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