Friday, December 22, 2023

मित्रेण कलहं कृत्वा न कदापि सुखी जनः

मित्रेण कलहं कृत्वा न कदापि सुखी जनः।
इति ज्ञात्वा प्रयासेन तदेव परिवर्जयेत्॥
mitreṇa kalahaṁ kṛtvā na kadāpi sukhī janaḥ|
iti jñātvā prayāsen tadeva parivarjayet||
We cannot ever live in comfort and happiness if we pick up quarrels and bickering with our dear friends. This fact should be kept in mind always and one should avoid having quarrels and conflicts with close friends.

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