Saturday, December 30, 2023

न विद्यया केवलया तपसापि च पात्रता।

न विद्यया केवलया तपसापि च पात्रता।
यत्र विद्या चरित्रं च तद्धि पात्रं प्रचक्ष्यते॥
yaajnvalakya mitaaksharee samhita
na vidyayā kevalayā tapasāpi ca pātratā|
yatra vidyā caritraṁ ca taddhi pātraṁ pracakṣyate||
A person does not become eligible for highest respect just because of mere education. His respectability cannot be rated high even on the basic of the penance and rituals he undertake. If one possesses erudition and is having a blemishless character too then he must be praised as the forerunner for all accolades .
We would come across some very sturdy characters who are educated and persevering across the history of society and many of them lack in character. They would have forced others around to pay respects to them but such situations were entirely unpleasant. At the same time if a person is good but lags behind in knowledge and skills, he would be of little use to either himself or to others.

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