Monday, December 25, 2023

धनहीनो न हीनश्च

धनहीनो न हीनश्च धनिकः स सुनिश्चयः।
विद्यारत्नेन यो हीनः स हीनः सर्ववस्तुषु॥
dhanahīno na hīnaśca dhanikaḥ sa suniścayaḥ|
vidyāratnena yo hīnaḥ sa hīnaḥ sarvavastuṣu||
A person who is deficient in cash or resources at present need not remain poor and wanting all the time. If he is having knowledge, determination and sense of direction he would pick up in life and become affluent sooner or later
However if a person does not possess the valued gem that is education and skill, he would remain deficient in all matters and in all walks of life.
This idea is attributed to the great economist and scholar Chanakya
धनहीनः bereft of money, having not enough money नरः man न हीनः भवति. Does not become inferior or lowly सः he सुनिश्चयः is having knowledge and determination चेत् if धनिकः भवति would become rich (ultimately)
परन्तु however यः who विद्यारत्नेन the gem of education and training हीनः defective भवति is सः he सर्व वस्तुषु in all matters and fields हीनः deficient एव alone वर्तते remains .

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