Saturday, December 02, 2023

भारतः पञ्चमो वेदः जामाता दशमो ग्रहः

It all happened in a group with very few takers.. So just to save my posts from neat burial, I post in my own timeline..
My post was
evil eyes..
( AnanthaKalyana Krishnan made a post on jokes in Sanskrit..
One that came to my mind)
भारतः पञ्चमो वेदः जामाता दशमो ग्रहः
BhaarataH panchamo vedaH, jaamaataa dashamo grahaH
( Bharatham is the fifth Veda and the Son in law is the tenth planet)
Mahabharatham is an encyclopedic storehouse of all knowledge..
So the scholars are unanimous in classifying the epic in the august company of the four great Vedas.
But a second and rather impish tag is added to this eminent saying.
The son in law is the tenth planet..
We know the parents of female children go through a lot of physical, mental and material turmoil as the child is to be joined in marriage with a suitable groom. First they circulate and compare horoscopes, and in this process, they are left to the vagaries of the nine planets.. even the best matches in India are denied just because the positioning of a planet in a horoscope is not considered auspicious..
This is the condition before the child is married off. The nine planets may be benevolent of malevolent at times.. Opinions may vary among astrologers on this issue.
But once the marriage is over, a fresh planet, never benevolent, appears in the firmament for the parents of a girl.. This is called the son-in-law..
The nine planets are capable of being pacified even from the worst moods through pariharams and all ..
But the son in law is never pleased..
Hopefully the situation is changing with girls becoming more educated and articulate.. But old habits do not disappear easily..
Ananthakalyanan krishnan responded with a very beautiful stanza
सदावक्र सदाक्रूर सदामानधनापह:
कन्याराशिस्थितोनित्यं जामाता दशमोग्रह:
Sadaa vakra Sadaa kroora:
Sadaamaana dhanaapaha:
Kanyaaraasi stito nityaM
Jaamaataa daSamo graha:
This is a sarcastic sloka aimed at some nagging Sons in law.
it means
Always perverted and cruel ,robber of prestige and wealth , stationed permanently in the Kanya Rasi , the Son in law is the 10th planet.
My comment on that was
Vakrata or retrogrde nature for the nine planets are just occasional.. They will be Vakra only for limited periods.. otherwise they will be straight moving.. But the son in law is Vakra for ever..
the tenth planet the son in law, is taken as always malefic.. Out of the other nine planets at least some like Jupiter, Venus, moon and mercury are normally friendly and even the other major planets like Sun, Saturn and Mars can be non malefic if they are placed in their own houses or are aspected by benevolent planet or if they are in the Uccha..or exalted state.. The balancing planets or rather shadow planets Rahu and Kethu also can be powerful, malefic or even benevolent according to the company they keep or the house they occupy.. But the Son in law is always malefic or Kroora..
the retrograde or malefic planet may cause damage to our fame and earnings when they are in unfavourable company.. and not always.. But the son in law will always take away by force one's self respect and money too ..
Planets stay in one rasi for limited periods and change places periodically.. The sun moves every month.. Mercury Mars, and Venus just once every few days before completion of a month or just a few days in excess of a month, The Jupiter moves once every one year, Saturn once every two and half year and Rahu and Kethu move anticlockwise from one rasi to the other rasi every eighteen months.. So they can be found in any rasi from mesham to meenam..
But the son in law the tenth planet stays only in the Kanyaa raasi.. for ever..Kanyaa raasi has another meaning too.. it indicates the rasi or collection of money earmarked for the kanya.. the girl . (in this case who is given in marriage to the tenth planet,, who has always an eye on the wealth of his wife..
the above slokam can be fully enjoyed in the above backdrop.

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