Tuesday, December 26, 2023

भगवद्भक्तिरहिताः महामोहनिमीलिताः

भगवद्भक्तिरहिताः महामोहनिमीलिताः।
तैलयन्त्रे बलीवर्दा इव घूर्णन्ति सर्वदा॥
bhagavadbhaktirahitāḥ mahāmohnimīlitāḥ|
tailayantre balīvardā iva ghūrṇanti sarvadā||
People who have no staunch devotion in the Supreme being are deluded and are mired in the quagmire of illusion. Just like the ox fastened to the crusher in the oil mill going round and round the pillar without knowing any direction these people would be also running around constantly without any clue as to what they are doing.

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