Sunday, December 10, 2023

musings 187

Almost infinite quantity of air, water, light, heat and food are found around every one..
But a person can breathe only one lungful of air at a time.. If he tries to inflate the lungs beyond limits thelungs will burst and he will die..
He can drink only a few glasses..
Even if he tried to drink a few more litres at a time that can simplly finish him off..
Heat at comfortable level makes one feel cozy, healthy,
Heat in right quantity cooks food ..
But the same heat at greater temperature or when it is applied at the wrong place will scald and kill
Food for health, food for hunger is the greatest boon from God..
We see God in food..
But excessive food,
rich food for a sick person,
contaminated food,
all can act be toxic killers..
We appear so reasonable and we seem to understand and nod our heads too in hearty agreement when such things are explained..
But we are not serious enough.. when it comes to practice
And most often we lose sight of the fact that the above logic applies to our thought process too
Thoughts, whether nice or nasty when it is in excess concentration leads to depression and perhaps even to lunacy..
Often, thoughts even a little bit above optimum level can bring in turmoil and haziness.
Yes, both in imbibing physical ingredients found innature that sustain our body, and in engaging in thoughts we should maintain a golden and optimal balance..
Such balance does not come by itself..
Often a lot of training, a lot of trial and error would be required..
But we have to train ourselves or perish..

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