Tuesday, December 12, 2023

musings 191

It is very difficult for the individual to keep the mind steady and have the right mental attitude even for himself..
 At best we can attempt that..
 It is absolutely meaningless to try to be sarcastic or critical about the behaviour of others or the society as a whole.
No one need wear the mantle of a prophet..
I for one write and comment about the age-tested wisdom of our forefathers and about the nuggets found in our treasurehouse of Sanskrit only as constant reminders for myself..
I know I cannot keep my mind steady and straightforward even for one hour per day..
And the high thoughts, the flowery words, all vanish into thin air, and the mind is marauded by jealousy, intolerance, frustration and unwelcome thoughts most of the time.
One goes forward by one foot and then slips back by three steps. That is life.
My advices are merely reminders for myself..

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