Thursday, December 14, 2023

musings 195

People tend to just get typecast or classified..
Certain people usually do things in a certain way..
And watching the individuals for some period of time all around them just expect that such people should and would behave that way alone..
Even the person himself starts to believe that he is of a certain type
If anyone does not exhibit such uniform patterns of behaviour, he is given the label of a mad man, although some may call him a genius just within his earshot..
But reality is far different..
No one is endowed with any uniform pattern of behaviour..
The Individual's reflexes and physical and mental actions can vary from moment to moment.. and from situation to situation
This happens in a more pronounced way in group of Individuals, especially mobs..
It is only very focussed self control and desire for peaceful co-existence that makes people behave in a restrained and non-aggressive manner to the extent possible..
We can see the true colours of persons in all its variety in crisis situations..
But as in all systems in the universe, there will be longterm stability only if what is apparent is almost the same as what is real

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