Saturday, December 23, 2023

musings 209

It seems I am overburdening people with old wise sayings in Sanskrit.
Often I get feedbacks about the impracticality of the ideals and platitudes in daily mundan life
Yes, even the original authors were aware of the sermonizing nature of many advices. All leaders of thought, gurus and preceptors in all religions and faiths indulge in such sermons and pontifications.
But such advices have great value. They will at least make us know what we should really look for and seek after.
Whether we would achieve even a minor fraction of what we seek might depend on so many factors beyond our control
My reply to all is that
"In life, most of the time, we do not get all that we seek or want. But then till our end we would and should be trying earnestly to get what we like and should be trying to avoid what we dislike. However, most of the time we do not even know what we should seek. In such situations the old wisdom, old quotes and platitudes and old grandmother tales, all can help us a lot. "

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