Tuesday, December 26, 2023

musings 212

we should learn to judge things not merely on financial or selfish considerations..
( By selfish, I mean, if a person, who is a derelict morally and socially but is of use to me... I should not prop him up and patronize him.. We should not encourage goondas and mafia even if they are useful to us..)
I feel,
Even a tiny rose which grows in a dry plant in front of my house is more valuable than a dozen lush, beautiful and fragrant roses I could afford to purchase from a floris..
A cheeni mulaku.. a tiny chilly fruit growing in a plant in my shapeless garden can be more valuable than a kilo of large colours capsicums I purchase from the vegetable marker.. even though I can afford it..
And very often, members of the same family, even a husband and a wife may have different views on it..
One would cherish the frugal kitchen garden and its scant and inadequate products but the other would just ignore and purchase things on a wholesale manner from the shanty..
And even empty the baskets every week just to fill them afresh.
No one can say which approach is right.. but human decency and farsightedness should demand that money should not be spent on more than what is needed..
After all, money is only a sort of authority to use the very scarce and cherished possession of a society for the present and for the future.. If we apply our money to waste such resources, we are killing ourselves and our future generations..
Even friendship, enmity etc, have to be entertained and can be regulated to the levels where it is unavoidable..
One should never try to swallow what he cannot chew..
If a fellow is not friendly, it does not mean he is an enemy..
We can have few friends, fewer enemies and any number of neutrals..
We need not force the neutral either into friendships of enmity..

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