Tuesday, December 26, 2023

musings 214

Usually when I wish someone something good, I add Krishna bless.. Let me clarify, what I mean is that I am praying to the supreme being that He may be pleased to help my friend.. I am not blessing anyone, or I am not playing the rule of any guru or messiah. I am nothing special.. I am just making a humble request to God. That is that.
In fact, I abhor receiving blessing from any man-gurus, except from my family and elder friends and well-wishers..
I am clear in mind that God knows his business well and He has not appointed any gasbag to transfer its gag to another gasbag..
I really feel like vomiting when I see some "spiritual posts" which are concentrated around some quirky person, either man, woman or eunuch, and all the other members paying homage to such so called "special" beings..
God bless, God save us

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