Friday, December 01, 2023

To start a day nicely..

To start a day nicely..
रोचनं चन्दनं हेमं मृदङ्गं दर्पणं मणिं।
गुरुमग्निं रविं पश्येत् नमस्येत् प्रातरेव हि
Rochanam chandanam hemam mrudanangam darpanam manim
Gurum agnim ravim pashyet
Namasyet pratareva hi.
From dharmasastras
One should wake up early in the morning and should see the following objects and offer respectful pranams too to them.
Sanadal paste or chandanam
Mridangam the percussion instrument of musi
A plane and bright mirror
Precious gems
Gurus.. the preceptors and parents too
The well kindled fire
The rising sun
The idea seems to be universal.
Would do good even for an atheist or agnost too.
We may not see all these every day.
But even one item would bring happiness for us.
K v ananthanarayanan

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