Tuesday, January 09, 2024

पूर्वमेवं परीक्ष्यं स्यात् व्रीडाकरमिदं न वा


पूर्वमेवं परीक्ष्यं स्यात् व्रीडाकरमिदं न वा। नृत्ते तु सम्प्रवृत्तस्य शिरः प्रावरणेन किम्॥ सभारञ्जक शतकम्

pūrvamevaṁ parīkṣyaṁ syāt vrīḍākaramidaṁ na vā| nṛtte tu sampravṛttasya śiraḥ prāvaraṇena kim|| sabhārañjaka śatakam

Before starting something one should consider whether the action is embarrassing or not. It is of no use to cover the face with cloth after stepping into the street to dance openly.

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