Saturday, January 06, 2024

यत्र जीवः शिवस्तत्र न भेदः शिवजीवयोः

यत्र जीवः शिवस्तत्र न भेदः शिवजीवयोः।
न हिंस्यात् सर्वभूतानि शिवभक्तिचिकीर्षकः॥
yatra jīvaḥ śivastatra na bhedaḥ śivajīvayoḥ|
na hiṁsyāt sarvabhūtāni śivabhakticikīrṣakaḥ||
veera shaiva paribhaashika
Wherever there is life, wherever there is a living being, Shiva is present there. There is no difference between Shiva and Jeeva.
Therefore if one is a genuine devotee of Shiva then she should not indulge in any action that would cause damage to life, that would cause death.

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