Tuesday, January 16, 2024

लोके ख्यातिकरः सतां बहुमतो विद्यागुणः प्राप्यते

नानुद्योगवता न च प्रवसता मानं न चोत्कर्षता
नालस्योपहतेन नालसमनसा नाचार्यविद्वेषिणा।
न भ्रूभंगकटाक्षसुन्दरमुखीं सीमन्तिनीं ध्यायता
लोके ख्यातिकरः सतां बहुमतो विद्यागुणः प्राप्यते॥
nānudyogavatā na ca pravasatā mānaṁ na cotkarṣatā
nālasyopahatena nālasamanasā nācāryavidveṣiṇā|
na bhrūbhaṁgakaṭākṣasundaramukhīṁ sīmantinīṁ dhyāyatā
loke khyātikaraḥ satāṁ bahumato vidyāguṇaḥ prāpyate||
A person will not ever reap the benefits of good education, good education which would fetch him great name and fame in this world, the education which will make him honoured by great men,
Unless he is basically enterprising and industrious too
Unless he is prepared to travel far and wide and live in distant lands
Unless he is ever keen to maintain his uprightness and respectability and is ever engaged in activities that would further his high moral status
If he is bitten by the bug of laziness
If he is often given to feeling pulled down or depressed mentally and intellectually
If he is disrespectful to the preceptors and the masters
If he is in the habit of harbouring romantic thoughts about the arched eyebrows and comely glances and the beautiful faces of attractive girls
From Utharadhyayan Sutra.. a Jain Scriptural Text

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