Saturday, January 06, 2024

सूक्तौ शुचावेव परे कवीनां सद्यः प्र्मादस्खलितं लभन्ते

सूक्तौ शुचावेव परे कवीनां सद्यः प्र्मादस्खलितं लभन्ते।
अधौतवस्त्रे चतुरं कथं वा विभाव्यते कज्जलबिन्दुपातः॥
sūktau śucāveva pare kavīnāṁ sadyaḥ prmādaskhalitaṁ labhante|
adhautavastre caturaṁ kathaṁ vā vibhāvyate kajjalabindupātaḥ||
srikantacharitam of mankhaka

Errors due to genuine slips or omissions would be discovered and highlighted only in the case of very learned, knowledgeable, meticulous poets and authors possessing outstanding craftsmanship.
No defects are likely to be noticed or discovered in the case of inferior authors. Firstly the work of inferior fellows would go unnoticed and even if defects are noticed, such defects would not be much worse than even the so-called merits in them. So such shortcomings would get obliterated.
If a small speck of dark ink falls on a spotlessly clean cloth the spot would be visible to all. However if some dirt is added to a cloth which is dirty and is not cleaned for ages, will the new addition of muck have any effect ?

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