Sunday, January 07, 2024

स्वकार्यपरकार्येषु यस्य बुद्धिः स्थिरा भवेत्

स्वकार्यपरकार्येषु यस्य बुद्धिः स्थिरा भवेत्।
तस्य चैवेह पाण्डित्यं शेषाः पुस्तकवाचकाः॥
सुभाषितपद्यरत्नकर् ३

svakāryaparakāryeṣu yasya buddhiḥ sthirā bhavet|
tasya caiveha pāṇḍityaṁ śeṣāḥ pustakavācakāḥ||
subhāṣitapadyaratnakar 3

A really learned person is one whose thoughts, ideas and opinions about matters pertaining to himself and others too are steady and clear. Others showing erudition are mere book-worms

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