Monday, January 08, 2024

चक्षुभ्यां हसते विद्वान् दन्तोद्घाटेन मध्यमः


चक्षुभ्यां हसते विद्वान् दन्तोद्घाटेन मध्यमः।
अधमा अट्टहासेन न हसन्ति मुनीश्वराः॥इन्दिश्चे स्प्रूचे २२२१ सुभाषितार्णवे
cakṣubhyāṁ hasate vidvān dantodghāṭena madhyamaḥ|
adhamā aṭṭahāsena na hasanti munīśvarāḥ||
indiśce sprūce 2221 subhāṣitārṇave

A genuinely learned and mature person would laugh through his eyes. A mediocre fellow would bare his teeth and a lowly fellow would roar with laughter. And a sage would never laugh at all.

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