Saturday, January 13, 2024

आवृणुध्वमतो दोषान्विवृणुध्वं गुणाण्

दृष्टं किमपि लोकेऽस्मिन्न निर्दोषं न निर्णगुम्।
आवृणुध्वमतो दोषान्विवृणुध्वं गुणाण् बुधाः॥
dṛṣṭaṁ kimapi loke'sminna nirdoṣaṁ na nirgūṇam|
āvṛṇudhvamato doṣānvivṛṇudhvaṁ guṇāṇ budhāḥ||
Oh men of wisdom, please take not
In this world we could find nothing that is entirely without defects
Similarly there can be nothing that is without any positive qualities
Therefore do all that is in your capacity to reduce, cover up or repair whatever defects found in good things and at the same time work hard to remove the defects that are noticed in things which are predominantly bad.

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