Monday, February 19, 2024

पाणिग्रहे पर्वतराजपुत्र्याः

पाणिग्रहे पर्वतराजपुत्र्याः पादाम्बुजं पाणिसरोरुहाभ्याम्।
अश्मानमारोपयतः स्मरारेः मन्दस्मितं मङ्गळमातनोतु॥
pāṇigrahe parvatarājaputryāḥ pādāmbujaṁ pāṇisaroruhābhyām|
aśmānamāropayataḥ smarāreḥ mandasmitaṁ maṅgaḻamātanotu||

May the benign and enigmatic smile of that arch enemy of Kamadeva, Lord Shiva bring all grace and prosperity to all of us
The smile, that erupted from His lips as he held the feet of Uma the daughter of the sturdy mountain Himavan,with his hands as soft as a lotus flower and her feet too so soft like another lotus.. The Lord was lifting her feet to be place it on a stone signifying marital fidelity..
What a study in contrast… The mother is tough, she is the daughter of the mountain. The Lord is tough. He simply burned off Kamadeva once. But He uses all the softness of His hand not to cause any sort of discomfort to the soft foot of Uma..
The bride’s foot is placed on stone by the groom to signify that the bride would be so sincere and steadfast and solid in her fidelity for the husband. As solid as the rock. But here Mother Uma is the daughter of the Mountain Himavana herself.. Who can be more solid?
The toughest, the eternal pair are just playing the role of a newly married couple… That brings a secret smile on the face of the Lord.. That is natural.
May that eternal couple, Uma Maheshvara bless us.

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