Thursday, February 22, 2024

मान्या एव हि मान्यानां मानं कुर्वन्ति नेतरे

मान्या एव हि मान्यानां मानं कुर्वन्ति नेतरे।
शम्भुर्बिभर्ति मूर्ध्नेन्दुं स्वर्भानुस्तं जिघृक्षति॥
mānyā eva hi mānyānāṁ mānaṁ kurvanti netare|
śambhurbibharti mūrdhnenduṁ svarbhānustaṁ jighṛkṣati||
subhashita ratnakara Shargadhara subhashitam ratnabhandagara
Only highly respectable people with lofty character and enlightened thought process would deem it fit to recognize and acknowledge the merit in great people and great places.
See, Lord Shiva, a great soul, accorded to the mooa a place of honour in his matted locks adorning his head. However, the cruel and characterless demon Rahu the Svarbhanu is ever prowling around ready to swallow the great moon.
Yes, good people always value the company of similar people. Evil fellows would be eager to cause damage to good people. That is so obvious.

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