Friday, February 23, 2024

वेदाभ्यासात्तथा ज्ञानं शनैः पर्वतलङ्घनं

अटनेन महारण्ये सुपन्था जायते शनैः।
वेदाभ्यासात्तथा ज्ञानं शनैः पर्वतलङ्घनं॥
aṭanena mahāraṇye supanthā jāyate śanaiḥ|
vedābhyāsāttathā jñānaṁ śanaiḥ parvatalaṅghanaṁ||
mahasubhashitasamgraha 476
When one sets out on a journey through a thick forest, the ideal path ahead becomes known only slowly and in a very phased manner. In climbing mountains too the steps ahead become clear only very slowly, may step by step. Acquisition of great knowledge through study of Vedas and sciences too happen only slowly and the accumulation of knowledge increases in an evenly paced manner. Too much of haste, impatience or impetuosity would not yield any good results in such situations.

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