Wednesday, February 28, 2024

धूरसि धूर्व धूर्वन्तं धूर्व तं

धूरसि धूर्व धूर्वन्तं धूर्व तं योऽस्मान्धूर्वति तं धूर्व यं वयं धूर्वाम स्त्वम्। देवानामसि वह्नितमं सस्नितमं पप्रितमं जुष्टतमं देवहूतमम्।
dhūrasi dhūrva dhūrvantaṁ dhūrva taṁ yo'smāndhūrvati taṁ dhūrva yaṁ vayaṁ dhūrvāma stvam| devānāmasi vahnitamaṁ sasnitamaṁ papritamaṁ juṣtatamaṁ devahūtamam|
Yajurveda Vajasaneyi Samhita..
Oh Lord Agni, you are the one who can burn and destroy everything. May you be pleased to annihilate those who cause harm and destruction to us without any provocation on our part, may you be pleased to cause destruction to those whom we desire and pray to be destroyed because of their evil nature, may you destroy the evil propensities which we want to see being destroyed. Among the missives and messengers of gods you biggest one, you are the most eminent one, you are the greatest purifier among those who clean up everything, you are the one who fills everything and every space completely, you are the most beloved one for the Gods, and you the the one most capable to address and bring here all the gods to participate in the yajna.

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