Friday, February 16, 2024

विमलमपि कथितमर्थं मूर्खा मोहादपहसन्ति

मूर्खेषु कुशलमानिषु विजानताप्यकुशलेन भवितव्यम्।
विमलमपि कथितमर्थं मूर्खा मोहादपहसन्ति॥ १८ ॥

neeti dvishastikaa of sundarapandya
mūrkheṣu kuśalamāniṣu vijānatāpyakuśalena bhavitavyam।
vimalamapi kathitamarthaṃ mūrkhā mohādapahasanti॥

We can find stupid fellows dime a dozen who consider themselves as epitomes of erudition and efficiency. While dealing with such persons, even if we have thorough knowledge and efficiency, we should give the impression that we are ignorant and are almost on the verge of stupidity.
Usually, the stupid fellows, out of ignorance, would insult us and our ideas which are flawless and praiseworthy and relevant.

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