Friday, February 09, 2024

musings 240

Most of my decisions are not taken with absolute precision.. many such decisions can harm myself, and others too,, and such decisions, if causing minor inconveniences, though having jarring notes, are forgiven by myself and others, if I can rightly explain them to myself and others,, And it would make me graceful if I say sorry there..
We stand on this mother earth, kick her, snatch away her beauty and mutilate her other children (all that are found on Her lap are her children) often because we cannot survive without causing some discomfort to her. This applies to other elements of nature too..They tolerate us in spite of our mean actions.. Do we not owe an apology to them?
Shankara in his Matrupanchakam, describes all the miseries we cause to our mother during our birth and in the course of our life later.. Do we not owe an apology to her?
Kshantavyo me aparaadho shiva shiva shiva bho sreemahaadeva shambhoH.. May my misdeeds be pardoned, Lord Shiva, Shiva, Shva, Shambho Mahaadeav.
True, we need not apologize and mend the fences if we are sure that we are generally right..
But does that ever apply when our friends, family members, spouse, parents and children are concerned..
If an apology can save a friendship, save a marriage, save the peace of a family, social group or even the nation, is it not my duty to apologize?

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