Wednesday, February 07, 2024

No philosophy of life can be absolute and completely right or wrong.

The entire idea of Bhakthi.. and the principles of dwaitam etc revolve round the notion that God is benevolent to His creations.
Kaarunyam, Daakshinyam etc are attributed to the divinity in innumerable places..
Where is the confusion in this?
The quid pro quo..give and take between God and man is acknowledged even in Gita. देवान भावयतानेन ते देवा भावयन्तु वः...
If the God is just a judge or a mother in law, do we require such God..? What about the friendship of Arjuna and Krishna, Kuchela and Krishna?The protection of Markandeya. against death that is already decided by fate?..
One can fill thousands of volumes stating examples..
Maybe one school of philosophy would state that God is only a witness... Karmasaakshmi.. Na me Karmaani limpanti etc.. but that is also just one opinion.
Our religion is not at all rigid..
The ordinary mortal just sustains himself on the fond hope that the Divine being love and is taking care of us...
No philosophy of life can be absolute and completely right or wrong..
If life is confusing, the philosophy based on life also should be confusing..
If life is not confusing, there need be no laws, judges and above all, no lawyer

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