Friday, February 16, 2024

why is it that Govinda does not keep company with such a devotee for ever ?

Devotees after a lot of penance and sadhana gets the glimpse of Krishna the God for a little while.
Then He leaves gifting to the devotee that sweet memory for ever
But even if the same penance is continued, repeated physical manifestation of Krishna never happens or happens rarely.
Someone asks..why is it that Govinda does not keep company with such a devotee for ever ? What is the fault of the devotee ?
My answer is.....(I may be wrong too..)
It is not our fault. Nor is it Krishna's fault.
God is all pervasive and He is touching us, speaking to us and is with us all the time.
But our sense organs are having limitations.
We love ,we hate ,we feel angry or happy.
But we never see those things.
When we are absolutely innocent and having absolute faith and we are in distress Krishna may show up for a moment.
But when we are just living on how can He keep company with us for ever?
He just lives in us sharing all we have.
Even Dhruva and Prahlada who met the God Krishna in physical form did not see him again when they were in their earthly bodies.
God is with us but we cannot expect him to announce to all that He is there.
Is it necessary?
We lived inside our mothers for about ten months. Can we expect to continue to do so for ever?
It is a truth that our mothers love us the same way as they loved us when we resided in her womb..

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