Thursday, March 07, 2024

99.9999...9 pecent of our troubles are minor and not life threatening

99.9999...9 pecent of our troubles are minor and not life threatening.
So it does not really matter whether we create them or others do it.
Given some time they will solve themselves..
And only God has the clue as to the real troubles we face.
I mean that 0.0000....01 percent.
There we have no solution because such troubles would have overtaken us even before we sense that there is something amiss.
There it is God versus trouble.. and we can just watch
"निमित्तमात्रं भव सव्यसाचिन् you Arjuna ,my cousin ,who is efficient with both hands.. just be the vehicle or agent who carries out my directions.."
Said that black Imp in Gita

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