Wednesday, March 13, 2024

मन्निन्दया यदि जनाः परितोषमेति

मन्निन्दया यदि जनाः परितोषमेति नन्वप्रयत्नसुलभोऽयमनुग्रहो मे।
श्रेयोऽर्थिनो हि पुरुषाः परतुष्टिहेतोर्दुःखार्जितानपि धनानि परित्यजन्ति॥
mannindayā yadi janāḥ paritoṣameti nanvaprayatnasulabho'yamanugraho me|
śreyo'rthino hi puruṣāḥ paratuṣṭihetorduḥkhārjitānapi dhanāni parityajanti|| jīvanmuktiviveke
If some people can derive a lot of happiness by insulting me or by spreading scandals or calumnies against me is it not a great blessing and windfall that has come by me even without my seeking it? Actually people often give up pr spend even their hard earned wealth and benefits just to gain some merit and virtue, and offering merriment and entertainment to people starved for it is the greatest virtue and source of grace one can have. So I am getting that virtue by giving an opportunity to all people around by just giving a chance to insult me and for that I am not spending anything. That way is it not like a lottery or windfall?

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