Saturday, March 23, 2024

मनसा चिन्तितं कार्यं वचसा न प्रकाशयेत्

मनसा चिन्तितं कार्यं वचसा न प्रकाशयेत्।
अन्यलक्षितकार्यस्य यतः सिद्धिः न जायते॥
manasā cintitaṁ kāryaṁ vacasā na prakāśayet|
anyalakṣitakāryasya yataḥ siddhiḥ na jāyate|| chanakya
This is a quote attributed to Chanakya, found in a work Chanakya Niti.
A plan of action, thought out seriously in your mind should never be disclosed in words..
When others have taken note of your plans, your plans have practically no chance of success..
It is a very simple statement..
But it is strikingly true too.
The period between the finalization of a plan of action and its successful execution looks somewhat similar to the pregnancy period for a living being..
The word pregnanat itself implies something suggestive but enigmatic, that is, kept as something safe, secure and secret..
Destruction of something at the planning stage itself is something similar to miscarriage..
Any action by an individual, even though it may be to his own liking, can never evoke identical and positive response on any other person..
The person who is not favourably disposed, would in all probability, try to defeat the plan..
A concluded project is a fait accompli and it has to work in public but then other players could do little to thwart it .
But plans can be torpedoed..An they get thwarted many a times.
So keeping the mouth shut is always great..
If the silent man is really great, he can achieve better by being so.
If the silent man is an idiot, that is the best defence for him..

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