Sunday, March 17, 2024

चतुर्थोपाय साध्ये तु रिपौ सान्त्वमपक्रिया

चतुर्थोपाय साध्ये तु रिपौ सान्त्वमपक्रिया।
स्वेद्यमामज्वरं प्राज्ञः कोऽम्भसा परिषिञ्चति॥२२२९८९० पञ्चतन्त्रे
caturthopāya sādhye tu ripau sāntvamapakriyā|
svedyamāmajvaraṁ prājñaḥ ko'mbhasā pariṣiñcati||2229(890) pañcatantre
If the right and expedient strategy to defeat the enemy is the fourth one..that is attack and destruction, then trying peace and reconciliation is just an aberration and wrong action. If a patient is suffering from fever which could be controlled only through sweating, pouring water on the patient to cool him and check the fever would be counter productive.
The four established strategies to be used against enemies in that order are.. 1.. Saama.. or attempt at reconciliation 2.. Daana..Offering incentives to prevent pitched battle 3. Bheda.. trying to cause confusion and difference of opinion in the enemy groups and 4. Danda..Decisive war with clear aim to decimate the enemies.

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