Monday, March 18, 2024

पलायनैर्नापयाति निश्चला भविव्यता

पलायनैर्नापयाति निश्चला भविव्यता।
देहिनः पुच्छसंलीना वह्निज्वालेव पक्षिणाम्॥
राजतरङ्गिणी ७-२२२
palāyanairnāpayāti niścalā bhavivyatā|
dehinaḥ pucchasaṁlīnā vahnijvāleva pakṣiṇām||
rājataraṅgiṇī 7-222
A very significant statement found in Kalhanas Rajatarangini
The fate which is adamant and unchangeable, will not move away from us just because we try to run away.. The fate just remains with us like fire that had ignited the tail of a bird..
The fate, what is ordained for us will land us up in situations which may not give us peace and comforts.. By instinct we would try to run away from such situation..
But what is happening for us is a reality.. a play of fate.. We cannot run away from it.. and the unhappy incidents would not be undone or wiped off just because we run away, or pretend that nothing bad is happening or we just close our eyes..
The dictates of fate are just like the fire which has ignited the hind feathers of a bird.. The fire would not be put off just because the bird takes flight.. In fact, the fire would burn with greater intensity.
If we try to face the vagaries of fate with some courage instead of just running away from realities of life, the situation might stabilize and the clouds that marred our life might move away, and we may become normal once again..
But if we run away from situations, we would lose all the advantages, and we would lose our self confidence, and we would be branded as cowards and escapists even if we survive with some injuries..
But if we stand firm, take the trouble by the collars and fight with it .. we would feel great.. if we succeed to ward off the trouble.. and even if we go down succumbing to fate after a courageous fight, we would leave great glory behind us..
The heroes.. who died fighting are looked up with equal respect that is given to the winners.. The one who ran away unable to face a situation is always considered as a second rate one..
In Bhagavat Gita the Lord tells Arjuna the same thing..
अकीर्तिं चापि भूतानि कथयिष्यन्ति तेऽव्ययाम् ।
सम्भावितस्य चाकीर्तिर्मरणादतिरिच्यते ॥ ३४ ॥
भयाद्रणादुपरतं मंस्यन्ते त्वां महारथाः ।
येषां च त्वं बहुमतो भूत्वा यास्यसि लाघवम् ।।३५।
bhagavat gita Chapter 2 Sankhya Yoga
akeertim chaapi bhUtaani kathayishyanti te avyayaam
sambhaavitasya cha akeertir maranaadatiruchyate..
Bhayaad ranaaduparatam mamsyante twaam mahaarathaaH
yeshaam cha tvam bahumato bhootvaa yaasyasi laaghavam..
Arjuna, when you take flight like a coward because you are afraid to execute your duty as a warrior, all the people around will talk about you in scandalous and sarcastic terms. Your fame will take an abysmal plunge downwards. And for an honourable person such scandal and infamy is worse than death itself..34
Arjuna, If you run away from the battle ( battle of Mahabharata or battle of life) the respected personages and heroes all would look at you with insulting eyes.. You would appear puny and insignificant in the eyes of people who all rightly looked up at you as a valiant hero..35
So, what is to happen will happen.. We can try to fight back and try to survive.. Alternately we can perish in all glory and honour..
But to run away from situations is utter cowardice.. and it is unbecoming of any person with some honour left in him,
have a nice day
k v ananthanarayanan

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