Friday, March 29, 2024

प्रत्युपस्थितकालस्य सुखस्य परिवर्जनम्

प्रत्युपस्थितकालस्य सुखस्य परिवर्जनम्।
अनागतसुखाशा च नैव बुद्धिमतां नयः।
महाभारते शान्तिपर्वणि॥१४०-३६
pratyupasthitakālasya sukhasya parivarjanam|
anāgatasukhāśā ca naiva buddhimatāṁ nayaḥ|
mahābhārate śāntiparvaṇi||140-36
A quote from Mahabharatham.. the epic of India.
It cannot be the policy of wise and prudent men
give up reasonable comforts which are immediately available on hand
and just yearning and dreaming for great comforts that have not come by but might happen at an uncertain future date..
प्रत्युपस्थित कालस्य which are ripe and present very near in time सुखस्य comforts
परिवर्जनम् abandoning, ignoring, showing negligence
अनागत सुखाशा desire, expectation, yearning for comforts which are not anyway near, which might come only on some future date
च बुद्धिमतां नयः न एव are not at all the policies of intelligent people.

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